Adam Abrams
Adjunct Music Instructor
Department: Music
abramsad[at] grayson [dot] edu903-415-2502
Arts and Communication Center Arts and Communication Center, 108I
Main Switchboard/Mailroom: x 8709
Filter Alphabetically by Last Name
Adjunct Music Instructor
Department: Music
abramsad[at] grayson [dot] eduSports Information/Social Media Specialist
Department: Marketing and Public Info
acostar[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Engineering Professor
Department: Mathematics
adamh[at] grayson [dot] eduNursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
andersm[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
anderss[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
andersenm[at] grayson [dot] eduMusic Professor
Department: Music
andersonk[at] grayson [dot] eduFine Arts - Music Adjunct
Department: Music
andersonm[at] grayson [dot] eduBusiness and Accounting Professor
Department: Career and Workforce Education
andersonv[at] grayson [dot] eduCareer and Pathway Coach
Department: Advising
andrewsa[at] grayson [dot] eduMathematics Professor
Department: Mathematics
appiahg[at] grayson [dot] eduAccounts Payable Specialist II
Department: Business Services Office
ashlockd[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Dean of Academic and Workforce Instruction
Department: Instruction
ayersm[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Director of Library
Department: Library
baileya[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
bartleyp[at] grayson [dot] eduBiology Professor
Department: Biology
bartushk[at] grayson [dot] eduRecruiter
Department: Admissions
baughh[at] grayson [dot] eduChild Development Professor and Program Director
Department: Academic Instruction
baxterv[at] grayson [dot] eduVocational Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
bayj[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: Center for Workplace Learning
beardr[at] grayson [dot] eduMathematics Professor
Department: Mathematics
bengforte[at] grayson [dot] eduLicensed Vocational Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
bernib[at] grayson [dot] eduComputer Maintenance and Networking/Cyber Security/Cloud Computing Professor
Department: Criminal Justice
bishopm[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
bohannanm[at] grayson [dot] eduOffice of President Coordinator
Department: Office of the President
bollingerk[at] grayson [dot] eduCosmetology Professor
Department: Cosmetology
bondsd[at] grayson [dot] eduBookstore
Department: Bookstore
903-463-8631Software Developer
Department: Information Technology
boothj[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
bowenk[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
bowenm[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
boydk[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
boylea[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Softball Coach
Department: Athletics
boyterb[at] grayson [dot] eduAdult Education Teacher
Department: Adult Education and Literacy
brandhorsta[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: Advising
breme[at] grayson [dot] eduHistory Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
bridgesj[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodial Supervisor
Department: Facility Maintenance
bridgesr[at] grayson [dot] eduSuccess Coach
Department: Center for Workplace Learning, Advising
briggsj[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector, TRIO Student Support Services Center
Department: TRIO Student Support Services
brittto[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Network Services
Department: Grayson College
brown[at] grayson [dot] eduEMS Lab and Remediation Coordinator
Department: Health Sciences
browns[at] grayson [dot] eduCriminal Justice Professor
Department: Criminal Justice
brucemag[at] grayson [dot] eduCulinary Arts Chef Professor
Department: Career and Workforce Education
bryantj[at] grayson [dot] eduSOSU Coordinator of Academic Services
Department: Grayson College
mburton[at] se [dot] eduHistory Professor
Department: Social Sciences
bussem[at] grayson [dot] eduCriminal Justice Adjunct Professor
Department: Grayson College
butteryj[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Dean of Academic and Workforce Instruction
Department: Academic Instruction
campbellk[at] grayson [dot] eduAthletic Trainer
Department: Athletics
cardm[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant
Department: Student Life
carlislem[at] grayson [dot] eduMath Hub Coordinator
Department: Mathematics
carrm[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct English Instructor
Department: English
caswellgarciala[at] grayson [dot] eduHuman Resources Recruiter
Department: Human Resources
cavinc[at] grayson [dot] eduAccounts Receivable Specialist
Department: Business Services Office
chavezc[at] grayson [dot] eduMathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Chair
Department: Instruction
cheekb[at] grayson [dot] eduSalesforce Technical Administrator
Department: Information Technology
chenh[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Professor
Department: English
cianik[at] grayson [dot] eduBusiness and Entrepreneurship and Public Services Department Chair
Department: Academic Instruction
clarkd[at] grayson [dot] eduCareer Services Specialist
Department: Career Services
clarke[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
clementc[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Dean of Health Science/Director of Nursing
Department: Health Sciences
coleyj[at] grayson [dot] eduNursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences, Instruction
collinsa[at] grayson [dot] eduMathematics Adjunct Professor
Department: Mathematics
collinsj[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
conkline[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
connorsa[at] grayson [dot] eduPolice Officer
Department: Campus Safety
connorsb[at] grayson [dot] eduSociology Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
cookes[at] grayson [dot] eduAmerican Heart Association (AHA) Coordinator/Instructor
Department: Health Sciences
coopers[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Maintenance
Department: Facility Maintenance
corderm[at] grayson [dot] eduCosmetology Salon
Department: Cosmetology, Grayson College
903-463-8744Dean of Health Sciences
Department: Health Sciences
coxm[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
crossj[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant III
Department: Information Technology
crumpa[at] grayson [dot] eduFinancial Aid Data Specialist
Department: Financial Aid
dannera[at] grayson [dot] eduPolice Officer
Department: Campus Safety
davidsonm[at] grayson [dot] eduStudent Services Coordinator
Department: Student Support Services
daviskai[at] grayson [dot] eduChair for Arts and Humanities
Department: Academic Instruction
davisre[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: Counseling and Social Services
dawsonb[at] grayson [dot] eduRecords Specialist - Transcripts
Department: Admissions
daya[at] grayson [dot] eduPhilosophy Adjunct Professor
Department: English
deaverl[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
deleonab[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: TRIO Student Support Services
delgadovaldezj[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct History Professor
Department: Social Sciences
delunak[at] grayson [dot] eduData Coordinator
Department: Adult Education and Literacy
demontem[at] grayson [dot] eduCulinary Arts Professor
Department: Culinary Arts
denmanj[at] grayson [dot] eduLearning and Development Coordinator
Department: Human Resources
derrickl[at] grayson [dot] eduSuccess Coach
Department: Advising
diazl[at] grayson [dot] eduComputer Maintenance, Cyber Security, Cloud Professor
Department: Grayson College
dickj[at] grayson [dot] eduCWL Record Specialist II
Department: Center for Workplace Learning
diehlj[at] grayson [dot] eduBiology Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
dillm[at] grayson [dot] eduSpeech Professor
Department: Speech
dimmigl[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant
Department: Campus Safety
drays[at] grayson [dot] eduLearning Frameworks Instructor
Department: Education
eacklesm[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Teaching and Learning
Department: Teaching and Learning
ellisto[at] grayson [dot] eduProfessor of Art
Department: Art
ericksonk[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
escamillar[at] grayson [dot] eduCosmetology Professor
Department: Cosmetology
fairg[at] grayson [dot] eduBehavioral Science Program Lead; Psychology Professor
Department: Instruction
fanningc[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
fergusonk[at] grayson [dot] eduChild Development Adjunct Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
fieldingdi[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Baseball Coach
Department: Athletics
flanaganc[at] grayson [dot] eduOffice and Computer Tech Adjunct Professor
Department: Computer Science
floresm[at] grayson [dot] eduMedical Laboratory Technology Professor
Department: Health Sciences
flynna[at] grayson [dot] eduDevelopmental Mathematics Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
fordd[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
fordda[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Grant Acquisitions
Department: Grayson College
forresterd[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Promise Program and Enrollment Management
Department: Institutional Effectiveness
francist[at] grayson [dot] eduElectrical Engineering Professor
Department: Electrical Engineering
fultzj[at] grayson [dot] eduHealth Science Simulation Technician
Department: Health Sciences
garrettje[at] grayson [dot] eduSpeech Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
garretts[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Strategic Enrollment & Retention
Department: Strategic Enrollment Retention
gibsonk[at] grayson [dot] eduGeology and Geography Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
girardd[at] grayson [dot] eduGovernment Profesor
Department: Academic Instruction
goralp[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
grahamp[at] grayson [dot] eduBusiness and Entrepreneurship Chair and Professor
Department: Career and Workforce Education
gravesw[at] grayson [dot] eduSpeech Professor
Department: Speech
grayj[at] grayson [dot] eduMathematics Adjunct Professor
Department: Mathematics
griffinc[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
grimmettb[at] grayson [dot] eduLAN Computer Systems Support Technician
Department: Grayson College
halleyj[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Dental Assisting
Department: Health Sciences
hancet[at] grayson [dot] eduCheer Coach
Department: Athletics
handerb[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
hankst[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Baseball Coach
Department: Athletics
hansont[at] grayson [dot] eduRecruiter II
Department: Admissions
hardyj[at] grayson [dot] eduBiology Adjunct Professor
Department: Biology
harrisc[at] grayson [dot] eduContract Training Coordinator
Department: Center for Workplace Learning
harrisk[at] grayson [dot] eduVice President of Community Engagement
Department: Community Engagement
harrism[at] grayson [dot] eduAcademic Advisor
Department: Advising
rharris[at] se [dot] eduAssistant Softball Coach
Department: Athletics
harrist[at] grayson [dot] eduEducation Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
harveyk[at] grayson [dot] eduBusiness Services Office Coordinator
Department: Grayson College
hayesc[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant III
Department: Academic Instruction
haynesc[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
haynesh[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Accounting Professor
Department: Accounting and Finance
hearrellco[at] grayson [dot] eduBusiness & Entrepreneurship Professor
Department: Education
hearrellc[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Library
Department: Library
lharris[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Professor
Department: English
heckern[at] grayson [dot] eduRecords Specialist
Department: Admissions
hermansonp[at] grayson [dot] eduBaseball Head Coach
Department: Athletics
hernandezc[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
hernandezm[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Marketing & Communications
Department: Marketing and Public Info
hicksa[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant to Health Science Advising/Admissions Specialists
Department: Career and Workforce Education
hillj[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Viticulture/ Enology Professor
Department: Viticulture/Enology
hillind[at] grayson [dot] eduDrafting Adjunct Professor
Department: Computer Aided Design and Drafting
holderj[at] grayson [dot] eduEMS Professor
Department: Health Sciences
holmesw[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
holth[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Professor and Writing Center Coordinator
Department: English
holtana[at] grayson [dot] eduHuman Resources Specialist
Department: Human Resources
hooverj[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Program Coordinator
Department: Health Sciences
hooverl[at] grayson [dot] eduLAN Support Technician
Department: Information Technology
hopperc[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Title IX and Student Conduct
Department: Student Support Services
howarde[at] grayson [dot] eduLearning Frameworks Adjunct
Department: Academic Instruction
howards[at] grayson [dot] eduProgram Coordinator and Professor Vocational Nursing Program
Department: Health Sciences
howardm[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
howardr[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant III
Department: Foundation
hugginsm[at] grayson [dot] eduFinancial Aid Outreach Specialist
Department: Financial Aid
hughesj[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Fiscal Services
Department: Business Services Office
hyattdan[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Technician
Department: Facility Maintenance
jacksonro[at] grayson [dot] eduComputer Science Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
jamesw[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Adjunct Professor
Department: English
johnsona[at] grayson [dot] eduEMS Program Director/Professor
Department: Health Sciences
johnsone[at] grayson [dot] eduMath Development Adjunct
Department: Mathematics
johnsonkat[at] grayson [dot] eduInstructional Office Coordinator
Department: Instruction
johnsonka[at] grayson [dot] eduChemistry Professor
Department: Grayson College
carrj[at] grayson [dot] eduCoordinator of Tutoring and Accessibility Services
Department: Testing Center
hodgej[at] grayson [dot] eduGrounds Maintenance
Department: Facility Maintenance
johnstonw[at] grayson [dot] eduEMS Professor
Department: Health Sciences
jonesbl[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Professor
Department: English
jonesjo[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Development
Department: Foundation
jonsep[at] grayson [dot] eduShipping and Receiving Specialist
Department: Facility Maintenance
jordanj[at] grayson [dot] eduVice President of Business Services
Department: Business Services Office
kasdorfc[at] grayson [dot] eduBiology Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
keckm[at] grayson [dot] eduCulinary Arts Adjunct Professor
Department: Culinary Arts
kelleyc[at] grayson [dot] eduFinancial Aid Specialist
Department: Financial Aid
kellys[at] grayson [dot] eduAEL Program Coordinator
Department: Adult Education and Literacy
kelsod[at] grayson [dot] eduEconomics Professor
Department: Grayson College
kentd[at] grayson [dot] eduAcademic Success Center Coordinator
Department: South Campus, Testing Center
khalafm[at] grayson [dot] eduMusic Adjunct Professor
Department: Music
kimm[at] grayson [dot] eduFinancial Aid Advisor III
Department: Financial Aid
knabem[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Director of Financial Aid
Department: Financial Aid
kruegerl[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Admin Computing
Department: Information Technology
kuhnsl[at] grayson [dot] eduPolice Sergeant
Department: Campus Safety
kumlerm[at] @grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: South Campus, Grayson College
lambrightj[at] grayson [dot] eduSuccess Coach
Department: Advising
langfordr[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Culinary Arts Professor
Department: Culinary Arts
larkinsr[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Surgical Technology
Department: Health Sciences
lavenderb[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Technician
Department: Facility Maintenance
lavins[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Professor
Department: English
layerm[at] grayson [dot] eduMathematics Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
lep[at] grayson [dot] eduCriminal Justice Adjunct
Department: Criminal Justice
leeb[at] grayson [dot] eduGrayson Cares Coordinator
Department: Counseling and Social Services
leirdc[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Criminal Justice Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
leow[at] grayson [dot] eduLibrarian
Department: Library
lermar[at] grayson [dot] eduEducation Opportunity Center
Department: Grayson College
jlewis[at] se [dot] eduGovernment Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
linderm[at] grayson [dot] eduWomen's Basketball Coach
Department: Athletics
lowes[at] grayson [dot] eduPurchasing Specialist
Department: Business Services Office
lowmanm[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Success Coaches
Department: Advising
luthen[at] grayson [dot] eduGovernment Adjunct Professor
Department: Grayson College
luxr[at] grayson [dot] eduWeb Design Coordinator
Department: Marketing and Public Info
lyszczarzj[at] grayson [dot] eduDean of Academic and Workforce Instruction
Department: Academic Instruction, Instruction
machenc[at] grayson [dot] eduAccounting Adjunct Professor
Department: Accounting and Finance
maddenj[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Psychology Professor
Department: Psychology
madewella[at] grayson [dot] eduHumanities Adjunct Professor
Department: Grayson College
madiganp[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Counseling and Social Services
Department: Counseling and Social Services
maloneb[at] grayson [dot] eduBusiness Adjunct Professor
Department: Grayson College
manningh[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
maranondegarciat[at] grayson [dot] eduSuccess Coach
Department: Advising
marcomk[at] grayson [dot] eduHealth Science Success Coach
Department: Advising
martinal[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Registrar
Department: Admissions
martinjo[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Financial Aid and Veteran Services
Department: Financial Aid
martins[at] grayson [dot] eduComputer Science Adjunct Professor
Department: Computer Science
masseyro[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Professor
Department: English
matherlyk[at] grayson [dot] eduVice President of Student Services
Department: Student Support Services
maxwelll[at] grayson [dot] eduIndustrial Technologies Department Chair
Department: Advanced Manufacturing
mcadamsa[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Athletics/Women's Softball Coach
Department: Athletics
mcbrayerm[at] grayson [dot] eduFinancial Aid Advisor II
Department: Financial Aid
mccloudb[at] grayson [dot] eduPhysical Education Adjunct Professor
Department: Grayson College
mcgaham[at] grayson [dot] eduSpanish Professor/Chair of Literature and Language
Department: Academic Instruction
mckelvam[at] grayson [dot] eduVocational Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
mckenziea[at] grayson [dot] eduBiology Professor
Department: Biology, South Campus
mclaughlink[at] grayson [dot] eduElectrical Technology Professor
Department: Career and Workforce Education
mcmanigellm[at] grayson [dot] eduGrayson College President
Department: Office of the President
president[at] grayson [dot] eduCompletion Coordinator
Department: Admissions
mcmorrism[at] grayson [dot] eduData and Reporting Analyst
Department: Institutional Effectiveness
meeko[at] grayson [dot] eduInformation Technology Specialist
Department: Grayson College
millerj[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant III
Department: Information Technology
millsm[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: Library
mitchellm[at] grayson [dot] eduClinical Coordinator of Radiologic Technology
Department: Health Sciences
mitchells[at] grayson [dot] eduMen's Basketball Coach
Department: Athletics
monarchs[at] grayson [dot] eduSuccess Coach
Department: Advising
mongea[at] grayson [dot] eduTRIO SSS Program Coordinator
Department: Student Support Services
mongek[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
muellerj[at] grayson [dot] eduFinancial Aid Advisor III
Department: Financial Aid
navarroa[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct History Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
nealp[at] grayson [dot] eduArt Professor
Department: Art
neihardtj[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant III
Department: Human Resources
nicholsa[at] grayson [dot] eduPolice Officer
Department: Campus Safety
norrisb[at] grayson [dot] eduAdult Education Teacher
Department: Adult Education and Literacy
obryane[at] grayson [dot] eduResident Experience Specialist
Department: Residence Hall
oakfielda[at] grayson [dot] eduEconomics Professor
Department: Economics
osundinak[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Biology Professor
Department: Biology
oww[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
owensm[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Instructor of Government and History
Department: Grayson College
owsleyj[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Accounting Professor
Department: Instruction
pacecar[at] grayson [dot] eduBiological and Physical Science Chair
Department: Academic Instruction
parsonsp[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Music Professor
Department: Music
partenb[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Adjunct Professor
Department: English
penam[at] grayson [dot] eduSpeech Professor
Department: Speech
pereda[at] grayson [dot] eduCybersecurity Computer Programming Faculty
Department: Computer Science
perrym[at] grayson [dot] eduClinical Assistant and Associate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
petersd[at] grayson [dot] eduInstitutional Effectiveness Coordinator
Department: Institutional Effectiveness
phelpsc[at] grayson [dot] eduCommunity Engagement Office Coordinator
Department: Community Engagement
poold[at] grayson [dot] eduHART Program Director and Professor
Department: Career and Workforce Education
popplewellj[at] grayson [dot] eduScience Lab Facilitator
Department: Academic Instruction
popplewellr[at] grayson [dot] eduEMS Professor
Department: Health Sciences
poteetb[at] grayson [dot] eduHistory Adjunct Professor
Department: Grayson College
powells[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: Admissions
powellw[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Psychology Professor
Department: Psychology
powerst[at] grayson [dot] eduCADD Technology Professor
Department: Computer Aided Design and Drafting
pridemorea[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Cosmetology Professor
Department: Cosmetology
pughc[at] grayson [dot] eduSoftware Developer
Department: Grayson College
pyburnw[at] grayson [dot] eduCriminal Justice Director, TRPA Director
Department: Instruction
pylem[at] grayson [dot] eduAdult Promise Program Coordinator
Department: Admissions
randolphj[at] grayson [dot] eduTRIO Student Support Services Advisor
Department: TRIO Student Support Services
randolphk[at] grayson [dot] eduSuccess Coach
Department: Advising
rangelc[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Radiologic Technology
Department: Health Sciences
rankins[at] grayson [dot] eduTRIO Student Support Services Advisor
Department: TRIO Student Support Services
ransomc[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Adult Education and Literacy
Department: Grayson College
ransomd[at] grayson [dot] eduRegistrar
Department: Admissions
rathfonb[at] grayson [dot] eduElectrician
Department: Facility Maintenance
ratliffd[at] grayson [dot] eduNursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
warnerp[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Academic and CTE Dual Credit
Department: Academic Instruction, Career and Workforce Education
rayval[at] grayson [dot] eduCWL Health Science Instructor
Department: Center for Workplace Learning
reedyrh[at] grayson [dot] eduGrant Management Specialist
Department: Business Services Office
reeveh[at] grayson [dot] eduWelding Professor
Department: Career and Workforce Education
reidr[at] grayson [dot] eduDental Assisting Professor
Department: Health Sciences
renfrow[at] grayson [dot] eduAgriculture Sciences Professor
Department: Agriculture
ricet[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Advanced Manufacturing
Department: Career and Workforce Education
richardsonb[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
richardsonm[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
richardsonm[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct English Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
ridenourj[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
ringlers[at] grayson [dot] eduSouth Campus Office Coordinator
Department: South Campus
rosst[at] grayson [dot] eduWelding Professor
Department: Career and Workforce Education, South Campus
royd[at] grayson [dot] eduClinical Assistant and Associate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
savagebo[at] grayson [dot] eduViticulture Professor
Department: Instruction
schabelm[at] grayson [dot] eduRecruiter
Department: Admissions
schantzl[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Professor Viticulture/Enology
Department: Viticulture/Enology
scheinerju[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
schoenbeckl[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Psychology Professor
Department: Psychology
schrickt[at] grayson [dot] eduMedia Technology Specialist
Department: Grayson College
scogginsj[at] grayson [dot] eduComputer Science Adjunct
Department: Computer Science
sellountosd[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
shermana[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Barber Professor
Department: Cosmetology
shireya[at] grayson [dot] eduVeteran Benefits Advisor
Department: Veteran Services
siebuhrj[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Student Life & Development
Department: Student Life
siebuhrs[at] grayson [dot] eduFacilities Maintenance Coordinator
Department: Facility Maintenance
simonsj[at] grayson [dot] eduAccounting Specialist
Department: Business Services Office
simss[at] grayson [dot] eduNursing Faculty
Department: Health Sciences
sittnerc[at] grayson [dot] eduRestaurant
Department: Culinary Arts
Bryantj[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
skjolsvikv[at] grayson [dot] eduMultimedia Specialist
Department: Marketing and Public Info
smarrj[at] grayson [dot] eduMedia Technology Specialist
Department: Information Technology
smarrja[at] grayson [dot] eduLibrarian
Department: Library
smithd[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant III
Department: Office of the President
smiths[at] grayson [dot] eduMarketing and Public Rel Coordinator
Department: Marketing and Public Info
solanoh[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish and Philosophy Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
sorensenj[at] grayson [dot] eduRecruiter II
Department: Admissions
sprayberryz[at] grayson [dot] eduAdult Education Teacher
Department: Adult Education and Literacy
stellc[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Culinary Arts Professor
Department: Culinary Arts
stephensa[at] grayson [dot] eduRecruiter I
Department: Admissions
stephensn[at] grayson [dot] eduCWL Health Science Faculty
Department: Center for Workplace Learning
stephenssa[at] grayson [dot] eduExecutive Director of the Small Business Development Center
Department: SBDC
stidhamk[at] grayson [dot] eduHVAC Technician
Department: Facility Maintenance
stonej[at] grayson [dot] eduHistory Professor
Department: Social Sciences
stoutm[at] grayson [dot] eduPhysics Professor
Department: Physics
sumetsm[at] grayson [dot] eduPsychology Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
sumrallr[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Director of Enrollment Management
Department: Admissions
talleya[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Barber Professor
Department: Cosmetology
tatec[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: SBDC
tateci[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Art Professor
Department: Art
garnersh[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Testing, Tutoring and Disability Services
Department: Testing Center
tmarkt[at] grayson [dot] eduLAN Support Technician
Department: Grayson College
thomasa[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Public Safety and Emergency Management
Department: Campus Safety
thomasj[at] grayson [dot] eduPsychology Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
thompsonv[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct History Professor
Department: Social Sciences
thweattw[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Director of Fiscal Services
Department: Business Services Office
ticknorp[at] grayson [dot] eduHistory Professor, Honors College Coordinator
Department: Instruction
tomasellic[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Adjunct Professor
Department: English
townsendj[at] grayson [dot] eduTheatre Professor; Director of Theatre
Department: Theatre
trappa[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Success Initiatives
Department: Office of the President
trevinoa[at] grayson [dot] eduEnglish Professor
Department: Academic Instruction
trevinom[at] grayson [dot] eduVice President of Information Technology
Department: Grayson College
trissellr[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Electrical Engineering Professor
Department: Electrical Engineering
troncallil[at] grayson [dot] eduExecutive Director for Grayson College Foundation
Department: Foundation
truxalr[at] grayson [dot] eduBiology Professor
Department: Biology
ullrichm[at] grayson [dot] eduHealth Science Admission Specialist
Department: Health Sciences
vandergriffb[at] grayson [dot] eduMusic and Audio Engineering Faculty
Department: Music
vaughns[at] grayson [dot] eduTheatre Technical Director
Department: Theatre
vaughnp[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant II
Department: Center for Workplace Learning
vermilliond[at] grayson [dot] eduPayroll Specialist
Department: Business Services Office
vickreyr[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
villarrealg[at] grayson [dot] eduPolice Officer
Department: Campus Safety
vincents[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Human Resources
Department: Human Resources
voightr[at] grayson [dot] eduData Coordinator
Department: Adult Education and Literacy
volanteb[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
wakelanda[at] grayson [dot] eduHealth Science Learning Lab Coordinator
Department: Health Sciences
wall[at] grayson [dot] eduCWL Health Science Faculty
Department: Center for Workplace Learning
wallerk[at] grayson [dot] eduMedical Lab Technology Professor
Department: Health Sciences
wallers[at] grayson [dot] eduDean of South Campus
Department: South Campus
waltoni[at] grayson [dot] eduPolice Officer
Department: Campus Safety
wardbr[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
warnerj[at] grayson [dot] eduVice President of Instruction
Department: Instruction
washburnd[at] grayson [dot] eduBiology Professor
Department: Instruction
weartb[at] grayson [dot] eduDirector of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts
Department: Career and Workforce Education, Culinary Arts
weatherlyr[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Plumber
Department: Facility Maintenance
wegerj[at] grayson [dot] eduInstructional Designer
Department: Teaching and Learning
whiter[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant III to Dean of Health Science
Department: Health Sciences
wickizerl[at] grayson [dot] eduAdministrative Assistant
Department: Financial Aid
wilkinsk[at] grayson [dot] eduRecords Specialist II
Department: Admissions
williamsje[at] grayson [dot] eduHeating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Technology Professor
Department: Career and Workforce Education
willinghamr[at] grayson [dot] eduAssistant Men's Basketball Coach
Department: Athletics
wilsonj[at] grayson [dot] eduMarketing Associate
Department: Marketing and Public Info
winklerb[at] grayson [dot] eduSuccess Coach, Industrial Technologies
Department: Advising
woodenb[at] grayson [dot] eduAssociate Degree Nursing Professor
Department: Health Sciences
wrights[at] grayson [dot] eduProfessor of Music; Music Program Director
Department: Music
wrighta[at] grayson [dot] eduMathematics Professor | GC College Math Prep Course Contact
Department: Academic Instruction
yeagerj[at] grayson [dot] eduAccounting Specialist II
Department: Business Services Office
youngd[at] grayson [dot] eduMaintenance Custodian
Department: Facility Maintenance
zemanr[at] grayson [dot] eduAdjunct Music Professor
Department: Music
zhengf[at] grayson [dot] eduStatistician
Department: Institutional Effectiveness
zhua[at] grayson [dot] eduProgram Director for Electrical Engineering Technology
Department: Electrical Engineering
zuoa[at] grayson [dot] edu