Dr. Jeremy McMillen

Grayson College President

Dr. Jeremy McMillen joined Grayson College as its fifth president in July 2012.

Dr. McMillen began his career in higher education in sociology at Texas A&M-Commerce in 1995 before taking a position with Paris Junior College and Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC) in Athens, Texas. He returned to A&M-Commerce as director of institutional research and then to TVCC as dean of planning and institutional research. At Trinity Valley, McMillen was promoted to assistant vice president for academic affairs and finally associate vice president for academic affairs. 

Dr. McMillen is active in state and national higher education initiatives. Locally, he serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors for United Way of Grayson County and is a board member of Texoma Workforce Solutions and the Texoma Craft Beverage Alliance. He is Immediate Past Chair of the North Texas Community College Consortium (NTCCC). State involvement includes serving on the Executive Committee for the Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC) and two committees with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)—Community and Technical College Leadership Council and Community and Technical College Formula Advisory Committee. Nationally, Dr. McMillen serves on the Commission on Workforce and Economic Development for the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC).

Dr. McMillen received a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree, both in sociology, from what is now Texas A&M University-Commerce. He returned to the institution to earn his doctorate in higher education



Dr. Jeremy McMillen

Position Title: Grayson College President
Department: Office of the President

Student Life Building
President's Office

president[at] grayson [dot] edu

Last updated: 08/16/2023